Ebenezer P&C Association will be holding its 44th Annual Art Show at Ebenezer Public School, 531 Sackville Road, Ebenezer on the 23rd and 24th of August 2024. Come and celebrate 44 years of this wonderful community tradition with us.
- Friday 23rd August – from 6:00pm to 9:30pm (adults only)
- Saturday 24th August – 10:00am to 3:00pm
We welcomed back our event finally in 2023 after fire, floods and Covid and were able to assist the school with purchasing new furniture for the Library.
Exhibits are to be delivered to Ebenezer Public School by appointment. This information will be provided upon acceptance of the application.
We only have sufficient space to hang 300 paintings therefore limits have been placed on the number of exhibits per artists.
Agents and artists please note the following:
- Resident Hawkesbury artists – limit of 8
- Non-resident Hawkesbury artists – limit of 6
- Agents – limit of 20
- Prints will not be accepted
You can submit a digital form below OR please click here to download an entry form. This can then be forwarded to artists@ebenezerartshow.com.au or posted to:
Ebenezer P&C Association
Ebenezer Public School
531 Sackville Road
Ebenezer NSW 2756
by Friday 9th August 2024 to enable the catalogue to be organised.
We have set aside specific times for you to pick up your unsold art to reduce disruption to classes. Please indicate when you will pickup on the Art Form.
- Saturday 23rd August after 4:30pm
- Monday 24th August 9:00am – 12:00pm
- Or by appointment
Due to the success and positive feedback received from a small section of photography in previous years, we will continue to give local photographers the opportunity to exhibit their own work – limit 8 per photographer.
- Exhibitors may be assured that all care will be taken with exhibits and that security precautions will be arranged however no responsibility will be accepted
- 30% of art sales will be retained by the P&C Association
- Cheques to Art Exhibitors will be available on pick-up
- EFT Payments will be processed on either Saturday 24th or Sunday 25th August 2024 for any art sales
- The Art room will close at 3:00pm – artwork can be collected straight away until 4:00pm on the Saturday
GST Requirements
If you are registered for GST, we will need your ABN number. Please include on the exhibitors’ form.
If you have any questions or need more information please contact artists@ebenezerartshow.com.au